Establishment units of the entity 0219.802.592
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.159.856.834 |
September 20, 1979 | A.I.B.E.P.N. | Avenue Sergent Vrithoff
2 5000 Namur Since September 20, 1979 |
2 | Active | 2.159.857.824 |
January 1, 2004 | Dépôt Collectes Déchets ménagers | Rue du Marché couvert
- 5590 Ciney Since January 1, 2004 |
3 | Active | 2.159.858.022 |
January 1, 1996 | Atrium Parc Créalys | Rue Camille Hubert,Isnes
2 5032 Gembloux Since January 1, 1996 |
4 | Active | 2.159.858.616 |
January 1, 2006 | Dépôt Collecte Déchets ménagers | Rue de Vodecée(VOD)
- 5600 Philippeville Since January 1, 2006 |
5 | Active | 2.189.516.563 |
June 7, 2010 | S.I.G.D (Site Intégré Gestion Déchets) | Route de la Lache, Floriffoux
4 5150 Floreffe Since June 7, 2010 |
6 | Active | 2.291.397.940 |
August 1, 2019 | A.I. BEPN | Rue Véroffe
box 5
5660 Couvin Since August 1, 2019 |
7 | Active | 2.295.563.002 |
January 1, 2020 | TRAKK | Avenue Reine Astrid(NR)
16 5000 Namur Since January 1, 2020 |