The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0415.898.485

11 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active 2.153.996.153
March 16, 1978 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Basisschool Sint_Jan Berchmans Zoete Moederstraat  30
9150  Kruibeke
Since March 16, 1978
2 Active
February 21, 1976 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Basisschool - Sint - Martinus Idsteinlaan  16
2070  Zwijndrecht
Since September 1, 2013
3 Active
February 21, 1976 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Basisschool - Sint-Martinus Idsteinlaan  18
2070  Zwijndrecht
Since February 21, 1976
4 Active
September 1, 1999 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Lagere School - De Krinkel 2 Schoolstraat  32  box A
2070  Zwijndrecht
Since September 1, 2007
5 Active
February 21, 1976 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Lagere School - De Krinkel 1 Schoolstraat  34
2070  Zwijndrecht
Since February 21, 1976
6 Active
February 21, 1976 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Kleuterschool Regenbooglaan  20
2070  Zwijndrecht
Since September 1, 2006
7 Active
September 1, 1985 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Basisschool Onze Lieve Vrouw Ambachtstraat  7B
9150  Kruibeke
Since September 1, 1985
8 Active
September 1, 1985 Vestigingsplaats van : Vrije Basisschool Onze Lieve Vrouw Nieuwe Veldstraat  4
9150  Kruibeke
Since September 1, 1985
9 Active
September 1, 1998 Hoofdzetel van : Vrije Basisschool Rupelmondestraat  42
9150  Kruibeke
Since September 1, 1998
10 Active
September 1, 1998 Vestigingsplaats van : Vrije Basisschool Pastoor Pungsstraat  4
9150  Kruibeke
Since September 1, 1998
11 Active 2.321.463.287
September 1, 2021 Katholieke Scholen aan de Schelde Langestraat  14
9150  Kruibeke
Since September 1, 2021
11 establishment units found.