The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0835.080.918

5 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active
February 11, 2015 POINT CARRE Rue de France  53
5600  Philippeville
Since February 11, 2015
2 Active 2.296.974.945
August 28, 2019 POINT CARRE Route de Philippeville  303
6010  Charleroi
Since August 28, 2019
3 Active 2.298.646.117
February 26, 2020 POINT CARRE Campagne d'Enée  3
5030  Gembloux
Since February 26, 2020
4 Active 2.320.250.193
August 6, 2021 Florin’Store Chaussée de Mons  322
6150  Anderlues
Since August 6, 2021
5 Active 2.327.239.440
March 30, 2022 Florin'Store Route de Mons  280  box B23-24
7301  Boussu
Since March 30, 2022
5 establishment units found.