Establishment units of the entity 0694.504.360
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.275.846.167 |
May 1, 2018 | YARA'S FOOD | Place Saint-Michel
74 4000 Liège Since May 1, 2018 |
2 | Active | 2.325.207.784 |
October 1, 2021 | YARA'S FOOD | Rue Saint-Hubert
6 4000 Liège Since August 15, 2024 |
3 | Active | 2.348.671.193 |
August 1, 2023 | CHEZ YARA | Chaussée de Tongres
box 90
4000 Liège Since August 1, 2023 |