The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0207.451.227

325 establishment units found, off 101 shown untill 120.[First/Previous] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 [Next/Last]
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
101 Active 2.160.516.830
January 1, 2005 Bibliotheek - Filiaal Westveld Oude Bareel Heiveldstraat  350
9040  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
102 Active 2.160.516.929
January 1, 2005 Dienst Service en Logistiek / FM Ondersteuning Henri Farmanstraat  30
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
103 Active 2.160.517.424
January 1, 2005 Design Museum Gent Jan Breydelstraat  5
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
104 Active 2.160.517.622
January 1, 2005 Buurtcentrum Rabot Jozef II-straat  104-106
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
105 Active 2.160.517.919
January 1, 2005 Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding Jubileumlaan  215*
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
106 Active 2.160.518.117
January 1, 2005 Cel ICT - Onderwijs Jubileumlaan  215B
9000  Gent
Since September 24, 2010
107 Active 2.160.518.315
January 1, 2005 Jeugddienst Kammerstraat  10
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
108 Active 2.160.518.612
January 1, 2005 Lokaal Werkgelegenheidsbureau - Projectwerking Kattenberg  2
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
109 Active 2.160.518.711
January 1, 2005 Sportienst - Sporthal Keiskant Keiskantstraat  3
9031  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
110 Active 2.160.519.305
January 1, 2005 Brandweer - Post Noord John Kennedylaan  25
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
111 Active 2.160.519.503
January 1, 2005 Groendienst - Sector West Mariakerke/Wondelgem Kerkhofstraat  1
9030  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
112 Active 2.160.521.382
January 1, 2005 Bibliotheek - Filiaal Drongen-Baarle Kloosterstraat  6
9031  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
113 Active 2.160.521.580
January 1, 2005 Buurtcentrum Brugse Poort Kokerstraat  36
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
114 Active 2.160.521.679
January 1, 2005 IN-Gent vzw Kongostraat  42
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
115 Active 2.160.521.877
January 1, 2005 Groendienst - Maaltepark Kortrijksesteenweg  1021
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
116 Active 2.160.522.075
January 1, 2005 Integratiedienst - Intercultureel Centrum De Centrale Kraankindersstraat  2
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
117 Active 2.160.524.946
January 1, 2005 Groendienst - Centrale Werkplaats Krijgsgasthuisstraat  143
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
118 Active 2.160.525.342
January 1, 2005 Dienst Burgerzaken - Dienstencentrum Ledeberg Jacques Eggermontstraat  11A
9050  Gent
Since September 24, 2010
119 Active 2.160.525.540
January 1, 2005 Diensten FM Maaltebruggestraat  191
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2005
120 Active 2.160.525.639
January 1, 2005 Groendienst - New Orleans Meulesteedsesteenweg  510
9000  Gent
Since January 1, 2017
325 establishment units found, off 101 shown untill 120.[First/Previous] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 [Next/Last]