The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0207.535.458

16 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active 2.162.621.235
January 1, 1968 Stadhuis Oudstrijdersplein  18
1500  Halle
Since January 1, 1968
2 Active 2.162.621.829
January 1, 1968 Recyclagepark Lariellestraat (Robert)  6
1500  Halle
Since April 1, 2020
3 Active 2.162.622.819
January 1, 1968 Cultureel Centrum ' t Vondel Possozplein (Joseph)  40
1500  Halle
Since July 1, 2018
4 Active 2.162.622.918
January 1, 1968 Sportdienst Monseigneur Senciestraat  13
1500  Halle
Since January 1, 1968
5 Active 2.162.623.314
January 1, 1968 Kinderdagverblijf 't Pagadderke Balthazarstraat  2/4
1500  Halle
Since January 1, 1968
6 Active 2.162.623.611
January 1, 1968 Bibliotheek (Hoofdbibliotheek) Basiliekstraat  124
1500  Halle
Since January 1, 1968
7 Active 2.162.623.908
January 1, 1968 Bibliotheek filiaal Essenbeek Dreef  1
1500  Halle
Since January 1, 1968
8 Active
June 1, 2018 Stadsmagazijn Lariellestraat (Robert)  ZN
1500  Halle
Since June 1, 2018
9 Active
June 1, 2018 BKO Okidoki Groenstraat  29-31
1501  Halle
Since June 1, 2018
10 Active
June 1, 2018 Jeugddienst Leide  3
1500  Halle
Since June 1, 2018
11 Active
June 1, 2018 Den AST Meiboom  16
1500  Halle
Since June 1, 2018
12 Active 2.305.344.461
September 1, 2020 Hoofdzetel van : Stedelijke Kunstacademie voor Muziek, Woord, Beeld en Dans Halle Kardinaal Cardijnstraat  7  box a
1500  Halle
Since September 1, 2020
13 Active 2.325.325.174
December 23, 2021 Sociaal Huis Demaeghtlaan (Auguste)  38
1500  Halle
Since December 23, 2021
14 Active 2.325.325.471
December 23, 2021 Woon- en zorgcentrum Zonnig Huis & Kinderdagverblijf 't Kadeeke Demaeghtlaan (Auguste)  36
1500  Halle
Since December 23, 2021
15 Active 2.325.325.768
December 23, 2021 Administratief hoofdgebouw Site OCMW Demaeghtlaan (Auguste)  30
1500  Halle
Since December 23, 2021
16 Active 2.345.909.366
June 14, 2023 Pop-up kinderdagverblijf Nijvelsesteenweg Nijvelsesteenweg  44
1500  Halle
Since June 14, 2023
16 establishment units found.