Establishment units of the entity 0406.877.485
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.107.926.004 |
January 1, 1970 | D'HONDT NV | Industrielaan
6 9620 Zottegem Since January 2, 1971 |
2 | Active | 2.142.427.617 |
January 9, 2004 | REYNAERT | Ambachtsstraat
2 9700 Oudenaarde Since January 9, 2004 |
3 | Active | 2.169.556.735 |
March 29, 2008 | No data included in CBE. | Eendrachtstraat
4 9300 Aalst Since March 29, 2008 |