The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0409.681.478

17 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active
September 2, 1950 CM Regiokantoor Vlaamse Ardennen Sint-Jozefsplein  7
9700  Oudenaarde
Since October 1, 2009
2 Active
September 2, 1950 cm regiokantoor Meetjesland Garenstraat  46
9900  Eeklo
Since September 2, 1950
3 Active
September 2, 1950 CM Midden-Vlaanderen-hoofdkantoor Martelaarslaan  17
9000  Gent
Since October 1, 2009
4 Active 2.148.994.616
September 23, 2005 CM Kantoor Aalter Cardijncentrum Lostraat  39
9880  Aalter
Since January 1, 2019
5 Active 2.148.994.913
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor De Pinte Kerkplein  5
9840  Nazareth-De Pinte
Since January 1, 2025
6 Active 2.148.995.111
September 23, 2005 CM Regiokantoor Leie en Schelde Markt  76
9800  Deinze
Since January 1, 2019
7 Active 2.148.995.408
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor Drongen Oude-Abdijstraat  44
9031  Gent
Since October 1, 2009
8 Active 2.148.996.002
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor - Nazareth Drapstraat  4  box 2
9810  Nazareth-De Pinte
Since January 1, 2025
9 Active 2.148.996.495
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor Nevele Camille Van der Cruyssenstraat  12
9850  Deinze
Since January 1, 2019
10 Active 2.148.997.584
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor Zulte Staatsbaan  112  box D
9870  Zulte
Since October 1, 2009
11 Active 2.148.999.762
July 23, 2005 CM kantoor Heusden Tramstraat(HEU)  51
9070  Destelbergen
Since October 1, 2009
12 Active
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor - Assenede Sportstraat  2
9960  Assenede
Since October 1, 2009
13 Active
July 23, 2005 CM kantoor Brakel Marktplein  10
9660  Brakel
Since October 1, 2009
14 Active
September 23, 2005 CM kantoor Maldegem Stationsstraat  50
9990  Maldegem
Since October 1, 2009
15 Active
July 23, 2005 cm kantoor Kruishoutem Hoogstraat(KRU)  2
9770  Kruisem
Since January 1, 2019
16 Active
July 23, 2005 cm kantoor Ronse Place Aimé Delhaye  16
9600  Ronse
Since October 1, 2009
17 Active 2.232.694.035
July 1, 2014 CM Kantoor Waarschoot Stationsstraat  18
9950  Lievegem
Since January 1, 2019
17 establishment units found.