The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0415.835.337

8 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Stopped 2.011.743.970
January 1, 1976 SG PRIVATE BANKING Rue des Colonies  11
1000  Bruxelles
Since April 10, 2006
2 Stopped 2.011.744.168
November 28, 1983 SG PRIVATE BANKING Roderveldlaan  5  box 4
2600  Antwerpen
Since July 16, 2019
3 Stopped 2.011.744.267
December 20, 1994 SG PRIVATE BANKING Scheepsdalelaan  60
8000  Brugge
Since December 29, 2010
4 Stopped 2.011.744.465
January 1, 1976 SG PRIVATE BANKING Kortrijksesteenweg  302
9000  Gent
Since March 12, 2007
5 Stopped 2.011.744.564
June 15, 1977 SG PRIVATE BANKING Luikersteenweg  267  box A
3500  Hasselt
Since July 13, 2007
6 Stopped 2.011.744.762
December 2, 1979 SG PRIVATE BANKING Condédreef(Kor)  69
8500  Kortrijk
Since October 2, 2006
7 Stopped 2.011.745.356
April 25, 2002 SG PRIVATE BANKING Rue du Curé Notre-Dame(TOU)  6
7500  Tournai
Since April 25, 2002
8 Stopped 2.256.479.227
April 1, 2016 Société Générale Private banking Avenue Rogier  27
4000  Liège
Since April 1, 2016
8 establishment units found.