The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0434.101.328

7 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active 2.037.952.479
May 16, 1988 LOPES Welkenraedt Rue de l'Eglise  24
4840  Welkenraedt
Since May 16, 1988
2 Active 2.037.952.578
May 16, 1988 LOPES Verviers Rue du Brou  68
4800  Verviers
Since September 1, 2006
3 Active 2.188.696.914
October 1, 2006 TELECOM SHOP Rue du Brou  70
4800  Verviers
Since October 1, 2006
4 Active 2.231.694.836
May 1, 2014 LOPES Spa Place Verte  86
4900  Spa
Since May 1, 2014
5 Active 2.273.538.656
December 15, 2017 No data included in CBE. Chemin-Rue  3
4960  Malmedy
Since December 15, 2017
6 Active 2.273.539.448
February 28, 2018 No data included in CBE. Rue Gustave Renier  10
4300  Waremme
Since February 28, 2018
7 Active 2.273.540.438
March 21, 2018 No data included in CBE. Rue de l'Eglise  33
4700  Eupen
Since March 21, 2018
7 establishment units found.