The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0442.213.694

11 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active
December 14, 1989 MAISONS OCCUPATIONNELLES REINE FABIOLA Rue de Neufvilles  455
7063  Soignies
Since December 14, 1989
2 Active
January 3, 1990 Ferme du Bajenrieux Rue Bajenrieux  10
7063  Soignies
Since January 3, 1990
3 Active
January 3, 1990 Le Fourneau Rue de Neufvilles  488
7063  Soignies
Since January 3, 1990
4 Active
January 3, 1990 La Bergerie Rue de Neufvilles  433
7063  Soignies
Since January 3, 1990
5 Active
January 3, 1990 Champ d'Ail Rue Godimont  53
7063  Soignies
Since January 3, 1990
6 Active 2.326.484.226
January 1, 2022 Magasin Central Rue de Neufvilles  455/2
7063  Soignies
Since January 1, 2022
7 Active 2.326.487.095
January 1, 2022 cusine centrale et spinelle Rue de Neufvilles  455/1
7063  Soignies
Since January 1, 2022
8 Active 2.326.488.382
January 1, 2022 Le marmitton Rue de Neufvilles  417
7063  Soignies
Since January 1, 2022
9 Active 2.326.488.580
January 1, 2022 La Ramée Chemin Tinette  36a
7063  Soignies
Since January 1, 2022
10 Active 2.326.488.778
January 1, 2022 Le menuet Rue Godimont  25
7063  Soignies
Since January 1, 2022
11 Active 2.326.488.877
January 1, 2022 La griotte Rue de Neufvilles  431
7063  Soignies
Since January 1, 2022
11 establishment units found.