The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0444.906.633

6 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active
February 11, 1997 MODENO Meensesteenweg(Bis)  449
8501  Kortrijk
Since February 11, 1997
2 Active 2.304.647.447
July 1, 2020 New Zealand Auckland Passage Pieter van Aelst  1  box Winkel 32
9300  Aalst
Since March 15, 2022
3 Active 2.304.647.546
June 12, 2020 New Zealand Auckland Mechelsestraat  13
3000  Leuven
Since June 12, 2020
4 Active 2.304.647.744
July 1, 2020 New Zealand Auckland Luikerstraat  41A
3800  Sint-Truiden
Since July 1, 2020
5 Active 2.304.647.843
July 1, 2020 New Zealand Auckland Adolf Buylstraat  37
8400  Oostende
Since July 1, 2020
6 Active 2.327.513.911
February 4, 2022 New Zealand Auckland Kapelstraat  100
9100  Sint-Niklaas
Since February 4, 2022
6 establishment units found.