The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0448.113.868

8 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Stopped 2.058.911.706
October 2, 1992 VRG RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL NV Rijselstraat  42
8200  Brugge
Since October 2, 1992
2 Stopped 2.058.911.805
October 2, 1992 VRG RIJSCHOTELN BREYDEL Torhoutsesteenweg  170
8210  Zedelgem
Since October 2, 1992
3 Stopped 2.058.911.904
September 24, 1992 VTB-VAB RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL Beverenstraat  10
8540  Deerlijk
Since September 24, 1992
4 Stopped 2.058.912.003
September 24, 1992 VTB-VAB RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL Zandstraat(Kor)  5
8500  Kortrijk
Since September 24, 1992
5 Stopped 2.058.912.102
September 24, 1992 VTB-VAB RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL Oscar Verschuerestraat  6
8790  Waregem
Since September 24, 1992
6 Stopped 2.058.912.201
September 24, 1992 VTB-VAB RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL Markt  3
8470  Gistel
Since September 24, 1992
7 Stopped 2.058.912.397
September 24, 1992 VTB-VAB RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL Hendrik Serruyslaan  42
8400  Oostende
Since September 24, 1992
8 Stopped 2.058.912.496
October 5, 1992 VTB-VAB RIJSCHOLEN BREYDEL Oostendestraat  12
8620  Nieuwpoort
Since October 5, 1992
8 establishment units found.