Establishment units of the entity 0537.799.969
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.221.607.925 |
September 1, 2013 | STYLIA | Rue Cuerens
5 1000 Bruxelles Since November 1, 2018 |
2 | Active | 2.232.874.474 |
July 1, 2014 | creatif design - KOQO DESIGN | Rue Cuerens
box .
1000 Bruxelles Since May 1, 2018 |
3 | Active | 2.232.877.939 |
July 1, 2014 | PLAN B | Rue Cuerens
ZN 1000 Bruxelles Since November 1, 2018 |
4 | Active | 2.364.928.690 |
October 15, 2024 | URBO | Rue Colonel Bourg
105A 1140 Evere Since October 15, 2024 |