The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Registered entity data

In general

Enterprise number:0811.501.010
Legal situation: Normal situation
Since May 4, 2009
Start date:May 4, 2009
Name in French, since April 29, 2009
Ex officio striking off: Striking off as result of non fulfilling UBO obligations (1)
Since January 29, 2024
Registered seat's address: Avenue Victor-Emmanuel III 57
1180 Uccle
Since April 29, 2009
Phone number: No data included in CBE.
Fax: No data included in CBE.
Email address: No data included in CBE.
Web Address: No data included in CBE.
Entity type: Legal person
Legal form: Private limited liability company (2)
Since November 1, 2018
Number of establishment units (EU): 0


Manager (3) Linehan ,  Barbara  Since April 29, 2009

Entrepreneurial skill - Travelling- Fairground operator

No data included in CBE.


Subject to VAT
Since June 1, 2009


No data included in CBE.

Version of the Nacebel codes for the VAT activities 2008(4)

VAT 2008  69.101  -  Activities of lawyers
Since June 1, 2009

Financial information

Annual assembly June
End date financial year 31 December

Links between entities

No data included in CBE.

External links

Publications in National Gazette
Publication of the annual accounts in the Central Balance Sheet Office
Database of statutes and powers of representation (notarial deeds)

(1)This administrative striking off indicates that the entity did not comply with the obligation to transmit information to the UBO register or to update this data annually. The striking off will be withdrawn, once, according to FPS Finance, the relevant obligations have been completed in the UBO register. If you have any questions, please contact the UBO department at the following address:

(2)In application of the law of 23 march 2019 introducing the Companies and Associations Code and containing various provisions (la loi du 23 mars 2019 introduisant le Code des sociétés et des associations et portant des dispositions diverses), the legal form "Private limited liability company" must, since January 1, 2020, be read as "Private limited company".

(3)In application of the law of 23 march 2019 introducing the Companies and Associations Code and containing various provisions (la loi du 23 mars 2019 introduisant le Code des sociétés et des associations et portant des dispositions diverses), the function "Manager" must, since January 1, 2020, be read as "Director".

(4)Activities are registered in the CBE using NACE-BEL codes (Belgian classification of activities). There are different versions of these codes. Activities with a NACE-BEL code (version 2003) were stopped on 31/12/2007 and automatically converted to the new NACE-BEL codes (2008 version) starting on 01/01/2008. A new 2025 version of the codes will enter into force on 01/01/2025. During the first half of the year 2025, all activities with a 2008 version of the NACE-BEL code will be phased out with 31/12/2024 as end date and automatically converted to the 2025 version of the NACE-BEL codes, starting on 01/01/2025. Up until then, activities will continue to be registered using the 2008 NACE-BEL codes.

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