In general | |
Enterprise number: | 0886.458.452 |
Status of the entity: | Active |
Number of the establishment unit: | 2.159.500.013 |
Status of the establishment unit: | Active |
Start date: | January 16, 2007 |
Name of the establishment unit: |
'T OUD GEMEENTEHUIS Name in Dutch, since January 19, 2023
Address of the establishment unit:
Vaartstraat 2
9850 Deinze
Since January 19, 2023 |
Phone number: | No information found in the CBE. |
Fax: | No information found in the CBE. |
Email address: | No information found in the CBE. |
Web address: | No information found in the CBE. |
Authorisations |
Licences registered with the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC)
Version of Nacebel codes for activities 2008(1) |
Main activity: 56.10101 - Traditional restaurants Since January 19, 2023 |
Main activity: 56.10105 - Coffee shops (taverns) Since January 19, 2023 |
Version of the Nacebel codes for the NSSO-activities 2008(1) |
Main activity: 56.102 - Restricted restaurants Since November 1, 2012 |
Show the activities for NACEBEL codification version 2003.Hide the activities for NACEBEL codification version 2003. |
Version of Nacebel codes for activities 2003(1) |
Main activity: 70.201 - Location d'habitations, à l'exclusion des logements sociaux Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 67.12002 - les sociétés de gestion des fonds communs de placement Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.111 - Promotion immobilière de logements Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.112 - Promotion immobilière de bureaux Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.113 - Promotion immobilière d'infrastructures Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.120 - Marchands de biens immobiliers Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.12001 - les activités de transactions sur biens immobiliers tels que: immeubles résidentiels et maisons d'habitation, immeubles non résidentiels, terres et terrains Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.12002 - les transactions sur biens propres tels que fonds de commerce, droits à bail et pas de porte (reprise) Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.203 - Location d'immeubles non résidentiels, y compris les salles d'exposition Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.204 - Location de terres et terrains Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.322 - Administration d'autres biens immobiliers Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 70.32201 - la prise en charge au nom du (ou des) propriétaire (s) de l'ensemble des services nécessaires au fonctionnement des immeubles gérés (immeubles non résidentiels) Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 74.151 - Activités de gestion et d'administration de holdings Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 74.15101 - activités de gestion et d'administration de holdings: l'intervention dans la gestion journalière, la représentation des entreprises sur base de la possession ou du contrôle du du capital social et aut Since January 16, 2007 |
Additional activity: 74.15102 - la détention à long terme des actions émanant de plusieurs autres entreprises classées dans différents secteurs économiques Since January 16, 2007 |
(1)Activities are registered in the CBE using NACE-BEL codes (Belgian classification of activities). There are different versions of these codes. Activities with a NACE-BEL code (version 2003) were stopped on 31/12/2007 and automatically converted to the new NACE-BEL codes (2008 version) starting on 01/01/2008. A new 2025 version of the codes will enter into force on 01/01/2025. During the first half of the year 2025, all activities with a 2008 version of the NACE-BEL code will be phased out with 31/12/2024 as end date and automatically converted to the 2025 version of the NACE-BEL codes, starting on 01/01/2025. Up until then, activities will continue to be registered using the 2008 NACE-BEL codes.