Establishment units of the entity 0216.769.264
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.153.941.517 |
January 1, 1977 | Hoofdzetel van : Gemeentelijke Basisschool 't Rakkertje | Assesteenweg
125 1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |
2 | Active | |
January 1, 1977 | Hoofdzetel van : Academie "Peter Benoit" voor Muziek, Woord en Dans | Hendrik Ghijselenstraat
box A
1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |
3 | Active | |
January 1, 1977 | Gemeentehuis | Markt
18 1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |
4 | Active | |
January 1, 1977 | Gemeentelijke Werkplaats | Andreas Masiusplein
25 1750 Lennik Since June 9, 2009 |
5 | Active | |
January 1, 1977 | Plaatselijke Openbare Bibliotheek | Schapenstraat
42 1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |
6 | Active | |
January 1, 1977 | Brandweer | Karel Keymolenstraat
4 1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |
7 | Active | 2.166.419.576 |
January 1, 1977 | Gemeentelijke Werkplaats | Kroonstraat
25 1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |
8 | Active | 2.178.483.408 |
January 1, 1977 | Sport- en ontmoetingscentrum Jo Baetens | Alfred Algoetstraat
77 1750 Lennik Since January 1, 1977 |