Establishment units of the entity 0432.520.228
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Stopped | 2.031.704.986 |
June 18, 1999 | No data included in CBE. | Ekkelgardenstraat
26 3500 Hasselt Since June 18, 1999 |
2 | Stopped | 2.031.705.085 |
December 11, 1987 | IMES SAFETY SUD | Parc Ind. des Hauts Sarts, 1e av
157 4040 Herstal Since December 11, 1987 |
3 | Stopped | 2.031.705.184 |
August 21, 1995 | IMES WALLONIE | Rue du Bosquet
10A 1400 Nivelles Since July 1, 2012 |