Establishment units of the entity 0434.259.496
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Stopped | 2.038.318.309 |
May 31, 1988 | WEST-VLAAMSE MEDIA GROEP | Meiboomlaan
33 8800 Roeselare Since May 31, 1988 |
2 | Stopped | 2.147.359.967 |
May 1, 2005 | WEST-VLAAMSE MEDIA GROEP | Sint-Jorisstraat
20 8000 Brugge Since May 1, 2005 |
3 | Stopped | 2.147.360.264 |
May 1, 2005 | WEST-VLAAMSE MEDIA GROEP | Torhoutsesteenweg
box 54
8400 Oostende Since May 1, 2005 |