Establishment units of the entity 0441.398.104
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Stopped | |
February 8, 2005 | werkloosheid en kansarmoede vzw | Dijkstraat (DEN)
59 9200 Dendermonde Since February 8, 2005 |
2 | Stopped | |
February 8, 2005 | werkloosheid en kansarmoede vzw | Vrijdagmarkt
9 9000 Gent Since February 8, 2005 |
3 | Stopped | |
February 8, 2005 | werkloosheid en kansarmoede vzw | Vermorgenstraat
9 9100 Sint-Niklaas Since February 8, 2005 |