Establishment units of the entity 0403.463.679
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.104.338.388 |
March 1, 1946 | RENAULT | Avenue des Arts
40 1040 Bruxelles Since January 1, 2010 |
2 | Active | 2.104.338.586 |
March 1, 1946 | Renault België Luxemburg – Technisch Vormingscentrum Renault Belgique/ Luxembourg – Centre de Formation Technique | Chaussée de Mons
281 1070 Anderlecht Since March 1, 1946 |
3 | Active | 2.104.338.685 |
June 25, 1992 | RENAULT BELGIQUE LUXEMBOURG SA | Avenue W.A. Mozart
20 1620 Drogenbos Since June 25, 1992 |
4 | Active | 2.142.768.897 |
June 1, 1972 | RENAULT BELGIQUE LUXEMBOURG SA CDEP & A | Industrieweg
1E 2850 Boom Since November 14, 2005 |