Establishment units of the entity 0405.043.195
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Stopped | 2.104.390.155 |
January 1, 1972 | No data included in CBE. | Melkerijstraat
10 8920 Langemark-Poelkapelle Since January 1, 1972 |
2 | Stopped | 2.104.390.254 |
September 1, 1977 | No data included in CBE. | Avenue de Cambron(B)
1 7940 Brugelette Since September 1, 1977 |
3 | Stopped | 2.104.390.551 |
October 1, 1951 | No data included in CBE. | Fabriekstraat(KAL)
141 9120 Zwijndrecht Since October 1, 1951 |
4 | Stopped | 2.104.390.650 |
January 1, 1972 | No data included in CBE. | HOUTHULSTSTR
8650 Houthulst Since January 1, 1972 |