Establishment units of the entity 0439.648.936
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Active | 2.160.880.084 |
May 8, 1989 | Centre éducatif et social pour Adultes handicapés mentaux | Rue du Sewage
9 4100 Seraing Since May 8, 1989 |
2 | Active | |
September 1, 1999 | Cesahm-Service Hainchamps | Rue Hainchamps
75-77 4100 Seraing Since January 1, 2008 |
3 | Active | |
November 1, 2011 | Cesahm-Sacha | Rue Nicolas Lambercy
17 4920 Aywaille Since November 1, 2011 |