Establishment units of the entity 0527.937.247
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Stopped | 2.218.782.354 |
May 1, 2013 | No data included in CBE. | Bruggesteenweg
227 8830 Hooglede Since January 1, 2015 |
2 | Stopped | 2.220.988.610 |
May 1, 2013 | CONNECT US BVBA | Maalse Steenweg
25 8310 Brugge Since May 1, 2013 |
3 | Stopped | 2.233.438.658 |
July 1, 2014 | CONNECT US | Kerkstraat
94 8370 Blankenberge Since July 1, 2014 |
4 | Stopped | 2.242.850.628 |
June 1, 2015 | CONNECT US | Albert I laan
153 8620 Nieuwpoort Since June 1, 2015 |