Establishment units of the entity 0404.529.293
Status | Establishment unit number |
Starting date establishment unit |
Establishment unit's name |
Establishment unit's address | |
1 | Stopped | 2.003.841.737 |
December 1, 1966 | No data included in CBE. | LUCHTHAVEN
1000 Bruxelles Since December 1, 1966 |
2 | Stopped | 2.003.841.836 |
May 1, 1941 | HERFURTH & CO | Cassiersstraat
15 2060 Antwerpen Since May 1, 1941 |
3 | Stopped | 2.003.841.935 |
April 1, 1952 | No data included in CBE. | Luchthavenlei
2100 DEURNE Since April 1, 1952 |