The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Registered entity data

In general

Enterprise number:0446.912.652
Legal situation: Normal situation
Since March 13, 1992
Start date:March 13, 1992
Name in French, since March 13, 1992
Registered seat's address: Rue des Pieds d'Alouette(NN) 39
5100 Namur
Since February 17, 2025
Phone number: No data included in CBE.
Fax: No data included in CBE.
Email address: No data included in CBE.
Web Address: No data included in CBE.
Entity type: Legal person
Legal form: Public limited company
Since March 13, 1992
Number of establishment units (EU): 1  Information and activities for each establishment unit


Director Stéveny ,  Michel  Since November 28, 2019
Director Stéveny ,  Philippe  Since November 28, 2019
Managing Director Stéveny ,  Philippe  Since November 28, 2019

Entrepreneurial skill - Travelling- Fairground operator

Bicycle mechanic
Since October 26, 1998
Moped mechanic
Since May 11, 1992
Scooter mechanic
Since May 11, 1992
Garage mechanic - repair services
Since May 11, 1992
Second-hand car dealer
Since May 11, 1992
Coachbuilder - body repairer
Since May 11, 1992
Knowledge of basic management
Since October 26, 1998


Enterprise subject to registration
Since November 1, 2018


No data included in CBE.

Financial information

Capital 77.000,00 EUR
Annual assembly May
End date financial year 31 December

Links between entities

No data included in CBE.


No data included in CBE.

External links

Publications in National Gazette
Publication of the annual accounts in the Central Balance Sheet Office
Database of statutes and powers of representation (notarial deeds)

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