The English version of the Public Search application constitutes an unofficial English translation and is provided for information purposes only.
No legal rights can therefore be derived from this translation. For the official application, please consult the Dutch, French or German versions of the Public Search application.


Establishment units of the entity  0212.185.817

8 establishment units found.
Status Establishment unit number Starting date
establishment unit
Establishment unit's
Establishment unit's
1 Active
January 1, 1968 Sociaal & Administratief centrum Kleine Landeigendomlaan  2  box A
9060  Zelzate
Since January 1, 1968
2 Active
January 1, 1968 Lokaal dienstencentrum "De Kastanje" Kastanjeplein  1
9060  Zelzate
Since January 1, 1968
3 Active
January 1, 1968 KINDEROPVANGCOMPLEX Burgemeester Jos. Chalmetlaan  50  box A
9060  Zelzate
Since November 26, 2010
4 Active
January 1, 1968 Buitenschoolse opvang Hoogbouwplein  66
9060  Zelzate
Since November 26, 2010
5 Active 2.315.260.039
January 1, 2020 Ontvangerij Grote Markt  2/4
9060  Zelzate
Since January 1, 2020
6 Active 2.315.260.534
January 1, 2020 GBS De Krekel Emiel Caluslaan  9
9060  Zelzate
Since January 1, 2020
7 Active 2.315.261.029
January 1, 2020 Gemeentehuis Zelzate Grote Markt  1
9060  Zelzate
Since January 1, 2020
8 Active 2.315.261.425
January 1, 2020 Technische Dienst Suikerkaai  4
9060  Zelzate
Since January 1, 2020
8 establishment units found.